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the SUP blog


The SUP Blog was born out of a combination of almost 4 decades of intensive worldwide experience with surfing and stand-up paddleboarding as well as a more than 24 years commitment to service independent journalism, focused on the duo of safety and fun exploration and the pursuit of excellence based on the philosophy of perpetual learning.  


​We are a team of experienced paddlers and Paddle Canada certified Advanced SUP educators and journalists. We love teaching and developing personalized SUP Education one-on-one, group and family programs as well as Remote Video Coaching. 


We are a fruit of our team's deep passion for water combined with 26 years of paddleboarding and 39 years of surfing experience on a daily basis, as well as more than 3 decades of educating for fun and safety in all kinds of bodies of water. 


​These adventures have taken us to paddle in 67 countries, 5 oceans and rivers like the Amazon, Columbia, Paraguay, Fraser and Colorado.


A lot has changed since our first adventures in 1996 using a longboard and kayak paddles to glide around. But the essence of the sport has been the same since it was invented by the Indigenous people of the Pacific Ocean, from whom we draw our inspiration in order to respect, love and enjoy the ocean and bodies of water. 


Yes, he was paddleboarding before the Western version of the sport was developed! We have also ridden the caballitos de totora, the woven reed vessel with an elongated design (that inspired today's touring boards) that fishing peoples on the coast of Peru have used for more than 4,000 years.


Our decades of high profile journalism experience in major news institutions in North America and around the world helps to bring the most crucial SUP issues with accuracy, transparency and focused on listening to the SUP Community in order to better serve it


Based in the unceded territories of the Coast Salish peoples and operating worldwide, The SUP Blog sees the ocean and bodies of water as both the Earth's largest and most fun playground as well the last frontier of the human experience. 


That's why we are committed to the combination of safety, deep knowledge and continuous learning and an unmatched passion for getting people to have the most fun in the water.

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We have been SUPing since 1995, when we started with a kayak paddle and a longboard, in 5 oceans and 67 countries as well as teaching water sports for the past 31 years always with a focus on FUN THROUGH SAFETY. We have surfed some of the world's most demanding and fun waves and have done more than 300 surf or paddling adventure and camping trips in 56 countries: from BC's fjords to the Amazon River system. 

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